Has the way we deal with our careers changed after the pandemic? Panellists from the industry, speak to GIBS about it!

Has the way we deal with our careers changed after the pandemic? Panelists from the industry, speak to GIBS about it!

The pandemic has changed many lives in the deepest ways. From careers to personal life, every single thing was affected by the pandemic. The execution of many things has now changed and virtual is the new normal.

The industries had to change their way of working overnight and many hit their lowest during the pandemic. As the situation is now normalising along with opening up job opportunities, the question here is what are the changes or learnings that one must take from the pandemic?

Many aspiring professionals have started to understand the need for higher studies and better preparation for the uncertainties during these times. Many were reluctant about pursuing professional courses but as times can change any day, the grave importance of being prepared has now been understood by many.

Building a career during a crisis could be extremely challenging but here is one of the best business schools in the country addressing the problem step by step to help students in their career.

Recently Global Institute of Business Studies held a panel discussion with some of the prestigious members from various fields of life to discuss the career changes the students should be ready for after the pandemic.

The panel had some of the best professionals like Gaurav Nigam from Infosys, Hari Karcheria – Sr. Director at GIBS, and Nazia Sultana – Corporate Trainer at GIBS. the panel was joined by three ex-students of GIBS who are now excelling in their fields and one student who hosted from the present batch.

The interesting discussion on how the pandemic has changed the industry’s approach and how students and young professionals can cope with the same was quite insightful. Mr.Gaurav Nigam, a successful professional noticed the change and shift from the consumer’s point of view as well. He mentioned how it is very important to be prepared for all kinds of circumstances and how companies started empathising rather than selling.

Making a very interesting point, Ms.Shraddha threw light on the importance of always learning new things and upscaling the skill set to match the ever-evolving world of corporate. This time should be used as an opportunity to build skills that might bring you better opportunities in your career. A student must upgrade!

Bharti Kushwala said it is important to take a collaborative approach and not the tripod approach while in a crisis. Students should learn the art of being empathetic while working for an organisation and not just take advantage of being a leader. “ taking everyone together and taking everyone through the difficult times together”

GIBS is known for nurturing young minds and preparing them for their future endeavors. Their programs are holistic and bring out the best version of each student. As Ms.Nazia Sultana Said “Youngsters are very adaptable” and enabling them to reach their full potential are colleges like GIBS that are instrumental.

GIBS offers an array of activities that transform the students and lets them build new skills that are important to become valuable professionals. As technology is extremely important today, students must remember that they will be hired for their skills and not for technology.

Mr.Gaurav mentioned that a student can build their skills with the help of technology but what they have to deliver is their core knowledge about the business. He said that instruments, changes, and other sorts of instruments can complement a student’s core but cannot be the only quality that the student should have. GIBS train their students with theory knowledge accompanied by practical knowledge which helps the students to execute the process and add value from the very beginning.

GIBS prepares its students through its various exclusive activities like IRE school which promotes innovation, a happiness program that takes care of mental health, unique mentoring models, and more. These are unique ways to enable students to flourish in tier careers even in times of uncertainty.

If you are looking for a college that will help you become a professional who can adapt to the constantly changing industry then the Global Institute of Business Studies in Bangalore awaits to shape your career in the best possible way!


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