Joy of Learning Month

Joy of Learning Month

GIBS commemorates the month of June as the JOY OF LEARNING MONTH. Since this month precedes the start of the new academic year and the arrival of the new batch of students to the campus, it gives us an ample opportunity to regroup and redefining the agenda for the year to come.

15 days of extensive training to all the faculties and the resources in the placement team on new areas of learning is given. Refinement of curriculum and critically redesigning the teaching pedagogy and integrating technology into teaching etc will be the priorities. There will be enough emphasis on team building and sessions of EQ, SQ during this phase of JOY OF LEARNING. Each faculty member also undertakes a 15-day industry project on his/her specialization which they should complete in companies full-time.

“When someone is taught the joy of learning, it becomes a life-long process that never stops, a process that creates a logical individual. That is the challenge and joy of teaching” – Marva Collins

26th of every month is the Joy of Learning Day at GIBS and it is celebrated by the Academic Department to bring in more insights into their professional lives. The Joy of Learning Day upholds and takes pride in reviewing the importance of learning and skills in this constantly evolving globalization.
The day also ensures the thrill of the sound structural understanding of the academic team, and the information and knowledge sharing.

The spark of joy in sharing the knowledge, skills and training each other on this day helps to ignite the collective productivity amongst the team.

JOL & Manthan Day Agenda

GIBS Business School Joy of Learning Month